تخطي السفر، واحصل على استشارة عبر الإنترنت من أمريكا الشمالية وكندا

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We are rolling out Estecharat to a global audience and would like to ensure that we are providing the best online platform for patients. Help us by taking a moment to fill out our survey, your input will help shape the service offerings on our platform. We want to continously improve.
من نحن
American Specialists provide second opinion consultation to patients worldwide by using our highly advanced platform to offer medical second opinion – anytime, anywhere.

Choose Your Own Schedule and Doctor

    Patient Survey

    1. How likely would you use our service?

    2. Which medical specialist would you use?

    3. What would be the biggest obstacle to using our service?

    4. For a 30-minute session with a specialist, how much would you pay?
